Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of school

Today was Grayson's first day of pre-K, which is basically the new kindergarten around here. It is a full day, 5 days/week. He has been so excited to go and counting down the days until today. I have been excited for him as well, but I was so emotional this morning! I cried in the shower and in the car after dropping him off. He had a fantastic day though, and can't wait to go back tomorrow. He's also really excited to ride the bus tomorrow (I picked him up today). Here is a pic of my little man on his first day...these big milestones are so bittersweet!

1 comment:

Becky said...

He's so big!! *sniff*

Hayden is going to preschool 5 days a week this year but it's also just a half day.

Anyway, can't wait to hear how he likes the bus!