Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The drama of being 4 1/2

My 4 1/2 year old is a teenager. I bought him some new camouflage shorts because his old ones were too small. He puts them on this morning and says they don't look right. They don't fit right. They don't feel right. He's 4 and he's a boy!

He desperately needs a haircut but doesn't want one because shaggy hair is so darn cool apparently. Again, he's a 4 year old boy...why does he care about his hair?

I hate to see what the real teenage years are going to look like!


Erin said...

That is cracking me up! Is this what I have to look forward too? Only with 2 girls! It'll be worse!

Becky said...

That's so funny! Hayden will do that sometimes with his clothes, especially if Camo. or Spiderman is involved. And he has a faux-hawk.. he doesn't like it when I put the gel stuff in to spike it all up (I don't do it every day). But for the last 4 months he has insisted on keeping it because it's cool. And they are 4 1/2.... and boys. LOL (yes, Aubrey is much more difficult about these things)