Monday, September 22, 2008

This is what weekends are all about!

If you know me & Dennis, you know we can't sit still long. Lounging around the house is about he most unrelaxing thing in the world to us! This weekend was busy and lots of fun!

Grayson had soccer pictures before his game on Saturday morning. In between the pictures and the game, the kids ran up and down this hill repeatedly. Oh how I wish I had their energy!

This week, they played against a team of 4 year old professionals - they were tough! All of the kids were really challenged, which is a good thing!

After the game, we went shopping for fall clothes & shoes for the kids. I found some great deals - including some Pumas for Grayson for $10! Nice!

After shopping, we headed to the fair. The kids had a ball! As Harper gets older, it is so nice to be able to see them do more fun stuff together.

I laughed so hard at Grayson riding the Himalya. Remember that ride? They had a kiddie version of it, but it still slung the kids to the side really hard. Harper was pissed that she couldn't ride it.

Harper had her very first taste of cotton candy, and she loved it!

Grayson, on the hand, hates cotton candy but decided to give it another try. Still hates it.

I thought his picture was cool! I tried to crop out the stranger kid, but it isn't working out.

Sunday, we headed to church and the kids looked so super cute! Good thing it was a little chilly yesterday morning because Harper had to wear her new dress!

After church, I went to see my niece in a play in Raleigh. She was so good! The whole play was great! :)

That's it!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love the airplane picture, stranger kid and all. :)